The Opening session of The World Law Congress event celebrated on July 7, 2020 was organized by WJA will culminate with face-to-face panels in Cartagena de Indias, on November 17 and 18, 2021. This opening event was developed with the panel “Will the Rule of Law Survive in Europe?” with great panelists: our president Javier Cremades, Rainer Arnold (Advisory Council of the World Law Foundation), François Biltgen (judge of the European Court of Justice), André Alen (President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium), Hanna Suchocka (Polish Prime Minister and Founding Trustee of the World Law Foundation) and, Marie-Aimée Peyron (dean of the Paris Bar
Association). You can see it: André Alen, President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium, said that the Court of Justice “is the guardian of the European treaties and so European courts and national constitutional courts should be considered as natural allies when it comes to protecting fundamental rights”. Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the World Law Foundation, remarked that «even in a solid constitutional environment, the rule of law is not free from risk, (…) in Europe we have to stand up to protect our values». She also expressed concern about «the challenges to the rule of law in some European countries, such as Poland and Hungary, where they are dismantling fundamental aspects such as the independence of judges and the freedom of expression of the media».

President of Colombia Ivan Duque said in the Opening session: «I am very pleased to welcome to the beginning to the 27th edition of the world law congress, with the first of more than 14 opening session that will conclude in Cartagena de Indias next year. It is an honor for all colombians to host for the first time an edition of true celebration of democracy. We received this designation as an recognition of our effort in defending the rule of law as a guarantee of freedom, order, peace, and concord in our society. (…) The world has faced challenged times for many reasons including the Covid-19 pandemic and the hugest socio-economic consequences so we must try to amplify valuable dialogs such as those promoted by the World Jurist Association, the Law World Foundation and others. (…) I invite the international legal community to actively participate in this democratic journey that will take place over the next few months in major cities such as Washington, Miami, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, and other cities around the world.»


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