These services include a wide range of actions, in which we try to be proactive and agile when carrying out the relevant actions. As examples of our experience, we can highlight:
- Creation of documents and reports on regulatory developments. We make sure that the client is aware of the regulations, and we help the business to adapt to the current situation, trying to prevent conflicts or to know the dimension of the same. Compliance projects are also included with the creation of objective behavioral guidelines and behavioral protocols in inspections and training for managers and employees.
- Proceedings before The European Commission, other competition authorities and European and national courts. Our services go beyond the national scope, being able to defend our clients with guarantees beyond our borders.
- Advisory on mergers, adding the international regulation of notification procedures and the design and negotiation of commitments. Authorization is an essential step in order to carry out activities that may involve an economic concentration of a certain size. In this regard, our services help to ensure that it happens without incidents.
- Advisory on dominance position. We advise our clients so that they do not incur in abuses of dominance positions, as well as to prevent them from being harmed by abuses of dominance position carried out by third parties, adding the self-assessment of strategic pacts and agreements.
Unfair Competition Persuasion or unfair recruitment of employees and customers. Plagiarism, Confusion, deception, and fraud. Breach and violation of secrets. Blocking, expropriation, ambushing, etc. Profiting from the work and reputation of others.