
Law and gastronomy

Javier Cremades, Rafael Ansón (Directores); Alfredo Gómez-Acebo Dennes (Coordinador).
Editorial DYKINSON, S.L.
288 páginas
Law and gastronomy

Gastronomy, beyond the art or hobby about food, knowledge and culinary activities, as well as its historical evolution, in addition to building a science that relates man and food with its environment, is in Spain a certain industry, a vital economic activity, and undisputed leader at international level in variety, quality, authorship, innovation -in addition to being inextricably linked to the Spain Brand-.

This productive sector shows the need for a prompt and specific regulation that provides greater legal security in relation to the exercise of professional and business activity, the intellectual property of gastronomic creation, competition, labor and training aspects and food quality. Likewise, there is a clear need for gastronomy and nutrition to be properly incorporated as soon as possible into the educational programs of infant, primary and secondary education.

This work gathers the analysis and work of more than twenty relevant jurists on the gastronomy sector, providing security and solutions to the professionals and businessmen who participate in it.

This legal analysis shows the need for a prompt organization, systematization and regulatory articulation of the sector that materializes in a general law for the integral protection of gastronomy.